The training for trainers is a full five day programme which provides learners with the skills and knowledge which will support them to deliver the concepts central to providing instruction in SCME.

Certification is attained by successfully completing the five-day instructor class. Only JKM Director of training or SCM Europe principal trainers can deliver training for trainers.

Competency will be assessed through the following:

  • a theory test that requires passing (with a 90% proficiency level)
  • an emergency safety physical intervention skills test (with a 90% proficiency level)
  • as well as two presentations (theory and physical)


On successful completion, instructors are permitted to teach SCM Europe only in their current place of employment.

In addition, participants will be granted a unique user login to our SCM Europe Instructor’s Portal as well as JKM training Inc website which contains documents to download such as: slideshows, an Emergency Safety Physical Intervention video, training agendas, case studies, various templates, handouts, sample tests and so much more!